Organic Harvest offers high-quality, organic skin and hair care products, with a focus on sun care, lip care, hair care, and face care. 


Organic Harvest is more than just a skincare brand. It's a promise of organic products that are good for your skin and the environment. Join us on this adventure to discover the difference between organic and natural products and the benefits of using organic skincare.



Although these words are being used synonymously, but there are significant differences between organic and natural products. If you see “natural” written on a label that broadly means that ingredients were produced by nature but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are “organic”. 

Natural products can contain chemicals but that is not the case of organic products. 

“Organic” strictly refers to ingredients that are farmed without pesticides, chemicals or artificial fertilizers and it is non-GMO.

You can safely assume that an organic product will have between 95-100% chemical free ingredients while for a natural product; this is usually around 50-70%.


Top 6 differences between Natural and Organic skin care products

a) Natural skin care products have natural ingredients
b) Organic skin care products also have natural ingredients but have stricter standards, always look out for organic logos on label
c) Writing the term ‘Natural’ can be a marketing gimmick, always look for the label
d) Organic skin care products have to adhere to stricter guidelines
e) Terms ‘vegan’ and ‘cruelty-free’ are not synonymous to ‘natural’ or ‘organic’
f) Prices of organic skin care products will be higher